JUSTIN FATA, President, is deeply committed to ensuring the safety of the Matawan Aberdeen Community by enhancing emergency services. Under his leadership, there's a focus on improving response capabilities, investing in advanced equipment, and collaborating with experienced first responders. He believes in proactive measures, including community training and awareness campaigns, to empower residents in handling emergencies.

JOSEPH KOEMPEL, JR, Chief, is a dedicated member of the community, ready to ensure the safety and well-being of every resident. With a sense of duty that courses through his veins, he leads a team of skilled individuals prepared to respond to any emergency that may arise. The role extends beyond leadership. Through his efforts, he aims to create a resilient community where safety is a top priority.


Christopher Sommer, Board Chairman
James Archibald, Board Member
Robert Sandler, Board Member
Justin Fata, President/Board Member
Joseph Koempel, Jr. , Chief/Board Member


Joseph Koempel, Jr. , Chief
Shannon Donohue, Captain
Kayla DeBeVoise, 1st Lieutenant
Logan Grillo, 2nd Lieutenant
Siddharth Rajakumar, Cadet Captain


Justin Fata, President
Shannon Donohue, Vice President
Christopher Sommer, Treasurer
Kayla DeBeVoise, Corresponding Secretary
Faith Carhuff, Recording Secretary


Lillian Antar
James Archibald
Faith Carhuff
Kayla DeBeVoise
Shannon Donohue
Justin Fata
Arianna Fuentes
Logan Grillo
Anastasia Guglielmo
Charlie Hicks
Aisha Imam
Joseph Koempel, Jr.
Mike Lenehan
Tiffany Li
Amogh Magesh


Giuliana Maietta
Anthony Pusillo
Thomas Ricci
Bryan Ross
Avinash Sabella
Robert Sandler
Jasmin Sawhney
Matthew Silva
Amanda Soliman
Natalie Soliman
Christopher Sommer
William Stein
Maureen Tauro
Leena Tran
Faith Wareham

Gianna Ascoli
Jake Frappier
Sarah Gershner
Krish Kumar
Adam Pusillo
Siddharth Rajakumar
Divya Sulguti
Amy Tatarka


Gregory Allen
Matthew Brennan
Daniel Cardone
Anthony Cosentino
Joseph Iovelli
Steve Ross
Jose Silva
David Valentin



* Deceased

Life Members are volunteers who have given at least 7 years of service.

Eli Abrams*
Fernando Alves
James Archibald
Steven Balavram
Jan Brown
Roy Burnstein
Isaack Burstein
Eugene Cattani*
Kathie Clodius
Harry Clune*
Joan Clune
John Coffine
Tom Colantuoni
Janet DiBlasi*
Robert Dinsmore

Christine Dinsmore
Maryann Donovan
Paul Egee
Doreen Egee
George Fitzpatrick
Ed Fletcher
Paul Gaisior*
Elizabeth Gallagher
Barbara Gardner
Brian Gelburd
Jerry Gershkowitz
Lawrence Gray
Joseph Greco*
Paul Grossman
Charles Hicks

James Healy
Chuck Jameson*
Joan Kelly
Kim Killian*
Allison Komal
Ravi Komal
Theodore Krietzman
Steve Kruft
Mike Lenehan
Steven Levine
Robert Martinek
Janice Mastropiero
Charles McCabe
Ken McDow
Pat McGuinn*

Claire Mclaughlin
Richard Michitsch
James Moore*
Kris Moore
Terry Moore
Mary Anne Moore
Burton Morachnick*
William Murphey
John Nichols
John Nixon
Tom Pischl*
Charles Pollack
Bob Pyznar
Mary Reilly
Michael Reilly

Tatiana Roser
Andrew Sackerman
John Sadowski
James Sadowski
Robert Sandler
William Schwartz
Joan Shea
Patty Sickels
Christopher Sommer
Richard Stein
Lois Stein
Stanley Stepnowski
Marian Theis
Jack Triolo
Janet Vitale

Peter Wood
Harvey Zibulsky ​